Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DuoDiscus GXT

Took the new Duo for a flight yesterday - wave to 100km up the Coromandel, to Whitianga. Great machine and brilliant systems. All worked very well and comfortable. The wave was average until the return trip when the classic Kaimai wave was pumping - 10knots in places and plenty of sink -18.3knots at one point. Love the See You programme so have been studying it also love the fact that I can take my own Airfeild database on a microSD card and bring home the track for anaylsis on my PC.

A great decision to purchase this machine - glad to have been on the subcommittee to make the aircraft recommendation. So what if it isnt aerobatic - we are about soaring in my mind - if you want to aerobat - go and get into one of the basic trainers..

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