Friday, June 29, 2012

Janus sale?

Some people are suggesting that the club sell their second Janus.  Crazy idea – what is the point.?  What would this achieve – absolutely nothing.  I suspect that the Janus has been flown the most over the last few months – Ill be checking it out and reporting back.  It’s a great machine – very capable of extending x-country flights.  I’ve personally flown it 475km in one flight and it performed brilliantly.  Its been successfully used to introduce many to the joys of x-country flight and is half the price of other aircraft available.  I just cannot understand the motive and reason for suggesting its sale.  It is costing the club nothing – definitely not $5k as claimed.  We have spare hanger space and maintenance cost would be less than $1000 pa.  It isn’t insured – no cost there.  The club has independent income – being the envy of other clubs - no need to reduce debt. Why on earth suggest it be sold?   It can accommodate 2 people enjoying soaring and be used to pair flying and Trail flights – or what they will be called after 115.  Its is pretty good condition – no majors cost on the horizon.  So what is the motive?  Why sell anything?  If anything needs to be sold – which it doesn’t – then sell a PW5 and a basic trainer and buy another single seat glider – perhaps an ASW20.
Just please - replace the seat cushions.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Well its my daughters 11th birthday and the "season" is over - but that it a bit of a joke really. The season, in fact the last few have been spectacular wipeouts at least in this part of the country - principly due to La Nina. Only 2 good xcountry flights for me - the better one being a very nice wave flight to Port Jackson and back - about 350km. Have buggered legs doesnt help but next season - El Nino and new legs -I cant wait. Maybe next season Ill get into a spot of xcountry instruction with the Duo. Currently I doubt I would be able to get into and out of it . (bi lateral hip replacement surgery will return me to my 20's in terms of agility and good looks ;) )

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30 yrs flying gliders

Just for the hell of it ...
type ratings..

Ka6, Ka7, Ka8, ASK13, ASW15, ASW19, ASW20, Nimbus2, Skylark3, Bocian, Blanik, IS 28b, Twin Astir, Astir CR, JanusB, Salto, DG101, DG400, Grob 109, Ronlerhe, Std Jantar, PW5, LS4, Pucharz, DuoDiscus

Gold C #190 19-2-87 ASW15 - Matamata
Diamond Goal #211 19-2-87 ASW15 - Matamata
Diamond Height #256 17-1-88 Janus - Omarama

C Cat Instructor 1982
B Cat Instrcutor 1983

Instucting ..approx 700hrs
Outside glide slope.. approx 715hr

Got a hell of a lot more to learn - but a good start

Since this thing is more about recording my own experience and no one redas it anyway .
Not politically correct